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Instant, Accurate Homework Help

Ace your homework and quizzes with real-time AI tutoring, instantly.

Over 90,000 correct answers given to students


Save up to 80% of your study time

Adjusts to your learning style

Instantly works on any website

Hints only mode to help you actually learn

 Used by top students around the world


Why students are using Study AI

Instant Answers

No more hours spent searching for answers. Ace your homework instantly.

Deeper Learning

Study AI learns how you learn and tailors explanations to match your understanding, helping you grasp concepts faster and improve understanding.


Trained to deliver the most accurate answers using state-of-the-art language models.

Just three steps

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Install the Study AI Chrome extension. Sign up and get a plan.

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Screenshot or highlight anything

Screenshot or highlight any question. It's easy to use and fast.

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Start solving instantly

Study AI will instantly provide you with an accurate answer and a brief explanation.

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“I'm getting straight A's this semester! This helped me actually learn. Thank you!!"

Liam Garcia, TX

  • What is Study AI?
    Study AI is an innovative platform designed to assist students with their homework by providing answers and explanations using AI technology.
  • How does Study AI work?
    Study AI uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze homework questions, providing accurate answers and detailed explanations to help students understand the material.
  • How is Study AI better than ChatGPT?
    While both Study AI and ChatGPT are powerful AI tools, Study AI is specifically tailored for educational purposes. Study AI offers detailed explanations and learning aids designed to help students understand complex topics and improve their academic performance. ChatGPT, on the other hand, is a more general-purpose AI that can be used for a variety of applications.
  • How much does Study AI cost?
    Study AI offers a range of pricing plans to suit different needs: Free Plan: Provides basic features, including access to a limited number of homework solutions and explanations. Premium Plan: For as low as $6 per month, users gain access to unlimited features such as unlimited answers and top tier AI homework help
  • Can Study AI help with diagrams and complex questions?
    Yes, Study AI is equipped to handle various types of questions, including diagrams and complex problems.
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